
VSA has 30 years of experience as a law firm in the prevention, settlement and handling in court of disputes with a potentially serious impact on a company in various areas.
VSA’s Business Unit endeavours to make a company’s life as easy as possible in each of these areas by advising on the implementation of important decisions and restructuring processes, negotiating, concluding and managing contracts and conducting legal proceedings if they cannot be avoided.
The presence at VSA of multiple specialists in various fields of law has enabled it to build a large clientele in sports law over many years,
After all, this is an area characterised by the wide variety of issues that may arise. Sport has become an increasingly money-oriented and hence colourful business.

The team of lawyers around partners Walter Van Steenbrugge,Christine Mussche, and Johan Heymans defends perpetrators and victims and/or their relatives with an open mind.
To their legal knowledge they add the benefit of other areas of expertise, including neurology, psychiatry, psychology and sociology, and they work together with traffic experts, toxicologists, medical specialists and accountants.
VSA gives its clients objective and independent advice and assistance with all their questions about wealth and succession planning. The client’s needs and wishes are central and form the starting point in any situation.

Since 1991
A good lawyer is someone who above all can provide substance. It’s the substance that stays with the judges.— CHRISTINE MUSSCHEA