Wealth and succession planning: from now on we can help you

How can I protect my partner when I'm gone?
Can I transfer my assets to the children, but still retain income and control?
Is a gift for a foreign notary still possible and beneficial?
Can someone take care of my assets if I am no longer able to do so myself?

Recognizable? From now on we can help you.

Are you also thinking about these important issues?
Then you belong to our group of clients who are looking for professional advice to settle family and property matters in a timely manner.
Proactivity is invaluable in this matter, reactivity can have serious consequences – unfortunately we have to establish that too regularly at Van Steenbrugge Advocaten.
That is why we decided to expand our services and to bring in an expert wealth and succession planning.

Stefan De Plus, counsel with many years of national and international experience in this field, has recently become part of our team. And we are very happy about that.

Make an appointment to gain insight into your wealth situation and how you can develop it optimally.Stefan-5668-2-e1601541400922.jpg

“More than ever, it is appropriate to optimize one's own family situation in function of the changing tax system and legislation. Based on a digital 'photo' of your personal situation, we can perfectly show what goes to whom and who pays what in the event of a (sudden) death.
Based on this, specific options for optimization can be proposed and implemented. This way you are prepared and you have peace of mind about your personal situation.
We are happy to assist you in that.”handtekening-SDP-e1600793612556.png

Stefan De Plus
+32 (0)9 269 10 67